PM Modi in his Yoga day tweet series recently has tweeted about Shashankasana in which we can see in the animated video PM Modi himself doing this essential yoga pose. PM Modi a week ago started the Yoga animated tweet series in which he is sharing animated yoga videos for promoting upcoming international yoga day. You can watch the full video of Shashankasana on the official twitter handle of @narendramodi which has tweeted with a #yogaday2021. PM Modi has taken this initiative to share every day new video to promote the culture of Yoga among youths of this generation. He thinks people need to know various types of yoga asanas and what are its benefits. Everyone likes to stay fit and healthy, but no one likes to get out of their comfort zone and do Yoga every day. PM Modi wants to educate the youth of our country to come out and celebrate world yoga day with their friends and colleagues.
This animated series of yoga asanas started on 5th June when PM Modi shared animated video on some Yoga Asana which got lots of good response from Twitter users.
Shashankasana video had been posted on around 8:45, and it has been watched by more than 1 lakh people so far which means the new strategy of PM Modi to request youth of this country to contribute to world yoga day is working.
I am happy that the animated videos of me practising Yoga are motivating people to have their own fitness routine and try Yoga. Here is one more such video, this one on Shashankasana. #4thYogaDay #FitIndia
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 30, 2018
In this video, one can learn lots of things about Shashankasana because PM Modi has shared some excellent insights about why someone should be doing this yoga pose in their daily life.
Also Watch Tadasanaa Animated Video by PM Modi here.
Wanna know about Yoga Poses for lower back pain ?
However, it’s highly advisable that those people who are high BP patients shall do this yoga asana very carefully. Since this yoga pose is relatively quite hard, it would be hard for those people who are high BP patients.
If you have lots of back pain, then you should avoid this yoga pose at any cost. Because before doing this yoga asana you will have to make sure that you can bend perfectly otherwise you won’t be able to do it correctly.
Shashankasana is just another video of Modi’s animated yoga series, and in the upcoming days, we will be covering every video till the world yoga day. If you are going to celebrate this year’s yoga day with your friends, then spread this news with your friends and colleagues and tell them the benefits of this yoga asana.
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