Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay in English for Students

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay in English

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a significant step to clean up the Image of India by introducing the Swachh Bharat Mission.

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates to Clean India Movement.

As there was no regulation on Street littering, the people made a mess everywhere they go. That’s why, India had a bad reputation of being the filthy country with no proper waste management. Well, that’s not the case now as with the Success of Swachh Bharat Mission, India is becoming a beautiful litter-free country. As the people of India are going to participate actively for success, the students have to participate too. There is a significant role of students in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

If we emphasize the importance of cleanliness in the young kids and students, the time is not far when we become totally litter free. Nowadays, the government is encouraging the schools to include the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the syllabus. Most of the times, students will get the option to write a swachh Bharat mission essay in the examinations.

To help the students score good marks, we are sharing a excellent swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay for students, which they can read and write in the examinations or even deliver it as a speech.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay for Students

Suggested Titles for This Essay :- Role of Students in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay in English or Essay on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in English.

The Mahatma Gandhi quotes that “ Sanitation is Way more important than the Independence.” India is now independent but not sanitized properly as people don’t have access to proper resources. With open defecation and urination, the country is not in good condition if we look from the eyes of clean nations. There is a lot of work to do to make our country cleaner and provide proper sanitization solutions to the residents.

The Government knew the problem and started the ”Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” on 2nd October 2014 on the birth anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi who always promoted the sanitization in India. Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi unveiled this mission and said that by the year  2019, India would become the thoroughly sanitized country. The Clean India Mission focuses on few important topics like eliminating Open Defecation, Discouraging Manual Scavenging, Change the sanitary system in India, Changing the insanitary toilet system to manual sanitary system, discourage public littering, and keeping every public place clean.  These are the primary goals that the government is expected to achieve by the end of missions.

But, some significant sub-factors are being implemented too — the Public Awareness about Sanitation, building toilets in village areas, solid waste management, liquid waste management, making bi-products from the waste, and also building community toilets to avoid open urination on the roads.

Not only the Government of India, but many Not for Profit organizations and volunteers have joined the missions and providing the help in making India clean and sanitized. There are many favorite NGO and volunteers like “Waste Warriors,” “Ugly Indian” and local level organizations promoting the missions. Not just them, the celebrities like Sachin Tendulkar, Amitabh Bachchan, Baba Ramdev, Almost all of the TV actors like Dilip Joshi and others are promoting the mission.  Thanks to the vision of Mr. Narendra Modi and the efforts taken by every volunteer, we see the changes in the environment as people stopped open defecation due to newly built toilets, open urination due to community toilets, and littering due to the proper waste management system.

The government is spending a lot of money on promoting the mission to everyone. And the big part is being played by the students, who are just learning the importance of sanitation. The role of students in Swachh Bharat Mission is, and the government knows the importance of training the young minds to keep India clean. That’s why, the real stars of this mission are not the celebrities, but the young students who will take the responsibilities.

Although, there is a lot of work is due to do. But, in the country with more than 1.2 billion people, it is difficult and time-consuming to promote the mission and get results. As per the Government visions, by the end of the year 2019, the country will become litter free, and everyone in the country will have their toilet to prevent them from open defecation and urination. The prime minister has urged every Indian to devote a small amount of time for this mission and make India green and clean. If we all come together and participated, then the day is not far away when we can see the stunning results of this mission.

Final Words

There are very few governments that take care of their citizens by promoting such useful projects. I hope you’ve learned about the mission from this Swachh Bharat Mission Essay. Just remember the way we presented this essay and write the same in your examination or presentation. I hope you liked this swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay for students and share it with your friends.

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