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  • Updated on September 16, 2020

India elected non-permanent member of UN Security Council

India elected non-permanent member of UN Security Council

Are you aware of the fact that India got selected in the UN security council as a non-permanent member for the 8th time in a row? If not then Yes, this happened. It is a proud moment for the Indians and kind of a big deal too.

In order to know the magnitude of this selection, let us first understand first about the UN security council? The UN Security Council is a security council whose primary role is to be a part of the international peace and security.

The following consists of 15 members and each member has a voting right of one vote. All the members of the security council are obligated to act in accordance with the council’s decision, as such they all fall under the charter of the united nations.

Whenever needed, the security council take the charge and determines the existence of the threat to worldwide peace. A council immediately comes in between the opposition parties and acts as a third person with the aim of resolving the dispute with a peaceful means and sometimes, even suggests a method of adjustment or some terms of the settlement.

In some of the dire conditions, the security council can also resort to imposing sanctions as well as authorize the use of force in order to maintain peace and security in the world.

What is the difference between permanent and non-permanent members?

The basic difference between the permanent and non-permanent security council is that the permanent members can initiate the measures to be taken in order to prevent the global crisis, in the mode of motions and other council documents.

While on the other hand, non-permanent council members can only play an important role in the issues concerning their geographical region.

Benefits of being a member of the UN Security council:

  • Aid and assistance:

This is one of the most important aspects of being a member of the United Nations organization. When any country gets hit by a plague in ways like earthquakes, tsunami, or floods, the active member will get immediate assistance with the UN.

  • Economical development of the nation:

Being a nation that is a member of the United nation, there come several perks with the medium of the United nation’ special agencies. The world bank group and the international monetary Fund (IMF) are two of the branches which provide unparalleled support to its members.

To cite this more clearly, a simple example for the same, if a country is a part of United nation then they have the access to the world bank which in simple words can be explained as more money for the country by the world bank to develop the country and boost its economy.

IMF on the other hand, provides emergency loans, but sadly these perks cannot be enjoyed by the non-member of the United Nations.

  • Improving the health sector in the country:

The United Nations aims to improve the health sector in the member’s nation by connecting them with the very famous and well know agency, The world health organization (WHO).

With the help of such agencies several deadly health-related problems can be eradicated from the root.

  • Laws regarding the human rights:

After joining the United Nation, the county is bound to follow the rules and principles of the UN and Human right is one of the basic rules and principles of the UN.

They aim towards protecting the basic human right despite their race, sex, color, or religion.


India has gradually risen from a backward country to a strong and powerful country under the leadership of the honorable Narendra Modi, a Prime Minister which India was lacking for several decades.

Under the flagship of Shre, Narendra Modi, India has acquired a certain position in the global market which many Indian leaders and citizens used to dream about.

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