Lord Ganesh’s birthday is celebrated as Ganesh Chaturthi in India. He is an elephant-headed god of wisdom and prosperity. Ganesh Chaturthi festival 2022 will begin on Wednesday, August 31, and will last for 11 days, ending on Friday, September 9, 2022. On 31st August, Ganesh Pujan will begin at 11.04 a.m. and end at 01.37 p.m. According to the Hindu calendar, it falls on the Chaturthi Tithi of Shukla paksha in the month of Bhadrapada.
Lord Ganesh has 108 names but few are Vighnaharta, Ganpati, Gajanan, Ekdanta, Mangalmurti, or Mooshaka Raaj. Ganpati, Hindus believe, removes barriers from one’s path. During festivals and other events, he is the first god to arrive. Modak is a classic Indian dessert. It is a famous sweet dish in Maharashtra and Marathi culture. Devotees participate enthusiastically in all religious events. We all perform Ganesh Puja do you know the tale behind it?
Ganesh Chaturthi is the main festival of the Hindu community. According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Ganpati is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Ganpati is a cute elephant-headed Indian god with a tiara, four podgy hands holding symbolic objects in each hand- a Trishul, an Ankush, a lotus, and a rosary or modak. Lord Ganesha is also known for his cleverness and sense of humor.
Mythos says Lord Vinayaka was born on the fourth day of the lunar month of Magh. Here is when the establishment between the two started. Therefore, a festival began to celebrate the birth of Lord Ganesh named Ganesh Chaturthi.
Here is an essay on Ganesh Chaturthi for students.
There is a legendary tale behind the birth of Gajanan. While bathing, Parvati ji created a human shape out of balm and unguent and gave him life. She requested him to keep an eye on the door while she bath. After a long meditation, Lord Shiva arrived to meet Parvati ji but was halted at the door by the kid. Shiva was outraged by the intimidation of the boy and beheaded the boy in anger. Later, the almighty Shiva discovered that he was his son. In fear of Maa Parvati’s furor, he immediately behests his ganas (attendants) to get him the head of the first living creature they saw. The first head they found was an elephant. Shiva brings back the life of his son. He was impressed by the courage so boon him. Ganesha or Ganpati means “chief of ganas” in Sanskrit. He is the most important god to worship at all festivals. It is why temples and doors have Lord Ganesha’s image as he is the guardian.
It is unknown when Ganesh Chaturthi was first celebrated. As per Hindu historian Shri Rajwade, the first Chaturthi was celebrated in the reigns of Satavahana, Rashtrakuta, and Chalukya. In Maharashtra, Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaja promoted the culture. Lord Ganesha was the family deity of Peshwas. After that, it remained in the state.
In 1857, an eminent freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar Tilak rose against the British empire. He was a patriot, a social reformer, and a freedom warrior in India. The Maharashtra people regarded Tilak as a hero and dubbed him Lokmanya. He resurrected Ganesh Chaturthi as an annual occasion.
The upper class in India used to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi. Tilak established the celebration as a National Festival to bridge gaps between Brahmins and non-Brahmins. IN 1893, Tilak began to organize Ganesh Utsav in social and religious functions. He was the first to inaugurate the huge Ganesh ji idol in pavilions and then immersion on the tenth day.
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated across India- Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and other Indian states. The celebration is grand that planning begins a month in advance. Street corners are marked with marquees, and artists build giant Ganesh statues in complex settings. It is embellished with daily prayers and offerings.
On the last day of the festival, Visarjan or Nimajjanam immersion of the idol takes place. The 10th consecutive day is popularly known as Anant Chaturdashi. After the festival, these idols are submerged on one, three, five, seven, or tenth day in a river, sea, or any water body. Thousands of devotees gather on the beaches with drums and firecrackers to say goodbye to Lord Ganpati. Some famous chants during this procession are “Jai Ganesh”, “Jai Ganesh Maharaja Ki”( Hail Lord Ganesha), and “Ganpati Bappa Mourya, Agle Baras Tu Jaldi Aa” (Hail Lord Ganesh return Next year soon).
Behind the Visarjan, there lies a fascinating narrative. Lord Ganesh is thought to return to Mount Kailash following this rite to reunite with his family. The festival commemorates the origin and death of life. When the idol is carried out for immersion, it is said to clear the dwelling of all obstructions and demolish them. Devotees look forward to this auspicious holiday every year.
Modak is the festival’s most popular sweet dessert. It is a steamed rice flour dumpling filled with jaggery and grated coconut. Karanji, a semi- circular version of modak is another famous dish in M.P and Maharastra. In Goa, a sweet dish is offered called Nevri. Modak, laddu, vundrallu, panakam, vadapappu, and chalividi are available in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. On a platter, the naivedyam offering has 21 pieces of sweets.
Lord Ganpati is said to grant the wishes of his worshippers. The primary motivation for worshipping the god is to ask forgiveness of all sins and lead them to the correct ideal path in life. According to mythology, God encourages us to keep our brains open, think carefully, and learn new things.
Ganesh puja begins with installing Lord Ganesh’s idol at home. The offerings are prepared with love and happiness. The deity is decked with flowers and soaked in clean water. Flowers and lights are placed and Jyoti is lightened every day. The idol comes to life by chanting mantras with great dedication. Ganesh ji provides wealth and good fortune to those who worship him.
Ans- This year, Ganesha Chaturthi will fall on Friday, August 31, 2022.
Ans- During the occasion, worshippers visit Ganesh temples and perform special aartis and pujas with zeal and devotion. Maharashtra, Delhi, and Madhya Pradesh have huge marquees installed. Lord Ganesh receives a variety of sweet and salty offerings every day.
Ans- It is a ten-day event that commemorates the deity’s birth.
Ans- The occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi began with the Maratha reign by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja.
Ans- Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated all over India- Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu. But in Maharashtra, it is celebrated with great pomp and show.
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